Group Sound Bath

Sacred Spiral Gift Shop 48319 E 1st street, Oakridge

Lay back and relax while the balancing tones of crystal singing bowls fill the room and your body. You will be guided through a clearing meditation. Treat yourself and let go of the outside world for an hour. I am accepting a sliding scale of $10-$20, plus receive 20% off any purchases made the day […]

$10 – $20

Westfir City Council Meeting

Westfir City Council Meetings are held on the first Monday of the month at 5:30 p.m. They are open to the public. Meetings are held in person at Westfir City Hall and are broadcast live on the Internet via a Zoom audio/video teleconference: Zoom details are listed on the agenda, which is posted to the Westfir […]

OW Chamber Board Meeting

Oakridge Westfir Chamber of Commerce Oakridge, OR, United States

The Oakridge Westfir Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors meets monthly on the first Tuesday at 5:30pm.

Event Series Oakridge City Council Meeting

Oakridge City Council Meeting

The Oakridge City Council meets twice each month on the first and third Thursdays at 6pm. Citizens have four ways of attending and commenting at a City Council meeting: Via Zoom on your computer or smartphone at: Via phone by dialing: 669-900-9128, then enter Meeting ID:  366 431 1610. 3.    Send comments by email […]

Event Series Oakridge “Soup Group”

Oakridge “Soup Group”

Oakridge High School 47997 W. 1st Street (OHS Mental Health Room), Oakridge

Starting in 2024, The Arc of Lane County and Oakridge High School social worker Tonya Deisner will be hosting "The Oakridge Soup Group" every 4th Thursday of the month from 12noon-1:30pm at the Oakridge High School mental health room, located at 47997 W. 1st Street in Oakridge.  The purpose of the Oakridge Soup Group is […]


Pruning Fruit Trees Workshop

Salmon Creek Community Garden 48306 Hills St, Oakridge, OR, United States

Join the Oregon State University master gardeners for a workshop demo on pruning fruit trees. Learn pruning principles and techniques, what equipment to use and how to care for your tools, and best time to prune your fruit trees. Meet us at the Oakridge Community Garden by Salmon Creek Park at noon; $10 suggested donation. […]
