Oakridge Tree Planting Festival

Oakridge, Oregon Oakridge, OR, United States

The Oakridge-Westfir Tree Planting Festival is truly a “World Heritage” event. It is the longest-running tree planting event in the world held in one location every year for 67 years. Two years were missed; one when the festival shifted from autumn to spring, the other due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The event started in 1953. […]

WOLFH “Pop Up” Plant Sale

WOLFH Community Farmers Market ”Pop Up” plant sale from local growers!! Veggie starts and flowers to purchase, snap welcome! 10-1 during the Tree Planting Parade. 48137 E. 1st St. Methodist Church lot.

Oakridge Ladies Dancing

Nazarene Church 48187 Hwy 58, Oakridge, OR, United States

Want to get out of the house and have some fun dancing to Body Groove videos? We encourage you to dress comfortably, maybe some layers. If you dare even exotic but tasteful attire... Bring your water bottle and join us for some fun! Dance at your own pace. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall […]


LIVE Music: The Rutabaga Blossoms at the 3 Legged Crane

The 3 Legged Crane Pub & Brewhouse 48329 E 1st St, Oakridge, OR, United States

. . .The Soundtrack To Your Nu-Folk Nightmares. . . folk-rock, surf, tango, country, noize.  All thrown into a blender and served in a frosty mug. https://www.therutabagablossoms.com/ Enjoy live music at the pub! All ages welcome! No cover charge.


Have a Pint and Paint

The 3 Legged Crane Pub & Brewhouse 48329 E 1st St, Oakridge, OR, United States

Register to paint “Crescent Lake Sunset” with local artist Barbara Burney. $33 all supplies included plus get a $5 credit for food/drink. Take home a finished painting. To reserve your spot, email marbalous@gmail.com or call (616) 828-7321  


Oakridge Ladies Dancing

Nazarene Church 48187 Hwy 58, Oakridge, OR, United States

Want to get out of the house and have some fun dancing to Body Groove videos? We encourage you to dress comfortably, maybe some layers. If you dare even exotic but tasteful attire... Bring your water bottle and join us for some fun! Dance at your own pace. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall […]

Event Series Oakridge City Council Meeting

Oakridge City Council Meeting

The Oakridge City Council meets twice each month on the first and third Thursdays at 6pm. Citizens have four ways of attending and commenting at a City Council meeting: Via Zoom on your computer or smartphone at:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3664311610 Via phone by dialing: 669-900-9128, then enter Meeting ID:  366 431 1610. 3.    Send comments by email […]

LIVE Music: Eric Leadbetter at the 3 Legged Crane

The 3 Legged Crane Pub & Brewhouse 48329 E 1st St, Oakridge, OR, United States

https://ericleadbettermusic.com/ Enjoy live music at the pub! All ages welcome! No cover charge.