The City of Westfir will be having a low-cost rabies vaccination clinic for dogs and cats on Saturday, April 1, 2023, 12pm-2pm at the Westfir Portal Park (across the covered bridge). All are welcome. You do not have to be a resident of Westfir or Oakridge. No appointment is necessary, walk-in only. Vaccinations are $15 each. Note that all dogs must be leashed, and all cats must be in a carrier and remain in your vehicle.
Westfir Dog licensing for 2023 will also be available; intact animals are $16 each, or $8 for seniors, spayed or neutered animals are $8 each, or $4 for seniors.
Vaccinations are cash only, licenses can be paid with cash or check.
Questions? Please call Westir City Hall at 541-782-3983.